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Call for Applications: Luce Irigaray’s Seminar for Graduate Students (2016)

18 Marzo 2016 -8:00 - 30 Aprile 2016 -17:00

Since 2003, Luce Irigaray has held annual international seminars with young academics whose PhD research projects intersect with her work. These seminars provide them with the opportunity to engage with Luce Irigaray personally and to exchange ideas, methods, and experiences amongst themselves. So far, the seminar has been hosted by various universities in the United Kingdom, such as University of Nottingham, University of Liverpool, Queen Mary University (London), Goodenough College (London), University of West England, and University of Bristol.
Seminars with Luce Irigaray last one week, during which participants from all over the world spend their time at the university and discuss their doctoral projects together under her guidance. The framework of the seminar consists of presentations by each participant on their PhD projects and engagement with Irigaray’s work, discussing their research together with the group, and developing their ideas with consideration of Luce Irigaray’s personal responses to their projects. One of the most important parts of the seminar is a session devoted to key topics and/or issues chosen by researchers, as well as a personal meeting with Luce Irigaray organized on the last day of the seminar.
As past participants in the seminar, and researchers who continue to engage with Luce Irigaray both professionally and personally, we invite emerging scholars (particularly graduate students whose doctoral research engages with Luce Irigaray’s teaching and writing) to participate in the seminars so that they, too, may share their experiences with one another and learn together with Luce Irigaray. The 2016 seminar will take place 12 June (in the evening) to 18 June (after lunch) at the University of Sussex. To apply to the seminar, please send the complete application package to Luce Irigaray’s postal address: 15, rue Lakanal, 75015 Paris, France, oryou can also go to the website for further information.


18 Marzo 2016 -8:00
30 Aprile 2016 -17:00
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