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Agosto 2017

Summer School – Human Rights, Gender and Alterity

28 Agosto 2017 -8:00 - 8 Settembre 2017 -17:00

Per informazioni dettagliate: Joint Summer School between the University of Geneva and the Graduate Institute Geneva In 2017 the first edition of the Summer School “Human rights, gender and alterity” will take place in Geneva. This unique transdisciplinary course is aimed at students and practitioners from all academic backgrounds and will enable participants to critically engage with human rights from a gender and a postcolonial perspective. The innovative concept combines visits to international organisations in Geneva and meetings with…

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Settembre 2017

II. Autumn School at the Center History of Women Philosophers and Scientists Paderborn, October 3rd-6th, 2017

20 Settembre 2017 -8:00 - 23:30

This II. Autumn School at the Center History of Women Philosophers and Scientists offers units on Christine of Sweden (1626-1689), Olympe de Gouges (1748-1793), Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797), Sophie de Grouchy, Marquise de Condorcet (1764-1822), as well as lectures on modern women philosophers from 1600-1850. These classes are offered by Mary Ellen Waithe (professor emerita, Cleveland State University, USA), Sandrine Bergès (Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey), and Susanna Åkerman-Hjern (Swedenborg Foundation, Stockholm, Sweden). Deadline for applications: September 20th.

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Marzo 2018

UC San Diego’s Summer Program for Women in Philosophy

1 Marzo 2018

SPWP is a ten-day program for undergraduate women in philosophy hosted by the UC San Diego Philosophy Department, featuring philosophy seminar courses taught by visiting and UC San Diego faculty, along with a variety of workshops taught by faculty and graduate students, all geared towards providing an engaging philosophical learning experience and helpful preparation for applying to and succeeding at graduate school in philosophy and beyond. he 2018 session will be held Tues July 31 – Weds August 8 (with participants arriving Mon July 30, departing Thurs Aug 9). We’re…

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Maggio 2018

Visiting Scholars Program at Freie Universität Berlin

31 Maggio 2018

The Call for Applications for the Visiting Scholars Program of the Margherita von Brentano Center at Freie Universität Berlin ( is now open! Through the program, every year the MvBZ offers non-stipendiary, visiting fellowships to excellent scholars who are conducting research related to one of our research priority areas. These are: transnational, transregional and transcultural gender relations; body, sexuality, biopolitics; digital public(s) and gender; subjectivity, power, emotions and affections; feminist theory, diversity and intersectionality Please find on the homepage the Call for 2018/2019.  Deadline for applications…

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Luglio 2018

Prof. Rosi Braidotti’s 2018 summer school at Utrecht University

1 Luglio 2018

The 2018 summer school, titled “Posthuman Ethics, Pain and Endurance,” which will take place between the 20th-24th of August 2018 at Utrecht University, in Utrecht, the Netherlands, combines an introduction to the basic tenets of  Braidotti's brand of critical posthuman theory with an overview on contemporary debates about the ethical implications of posthumanism and the so-called ‘posthuman turn’. See the day-to-day programme attached. The intensive course “Posthuman Ethics, Pain and Endurance” offers an overview of the contemporary debates about the…

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Agosto 2018

Premio GLBTQ- Bando 2018

11 Agosto 2018 -8:00 - 17:00 Scadenza: 15 ottobre 2018 Il premio, bandito dal Centro Documentazione del Maurice GLBTQ a partire dall’anno 2011 grazie a una donazione privata, rappresenta un intervento attivo e qualificato nel campo della cultura. E’ rivolto a autori e autrici di tesi di laurea magistrale e di dottorato discusse nel corso dell’anno accademico concluso alla pubblicazione del bando, ovvero ricerche indipendenti originali e aggiornate. Le discipline storiche sono il focus principale, ma verranno valutate anche ricerche di tipo psicologico, letterario o giuridico.…

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Settembre 2019

PHD – Centre for Postdigital Cultures (CPC)

9 Settembre 2019

Centre for Postdigital Cultures (CPC), Coventry University invites Expressions of Interest from prospective PhD students, interested in PhD programmes staring in the academic year 2020/2021. We encourage EOI (Expression of Interest) applications from suitably qualified candidates hoping to develop a PhD project in any of the following research areas: • post-capitalist economies • (post)digital arts and humanities • posthumanities • affirmative disruption and open media • the 21st century university and art school • creative archiving and international heritage PhD…

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Ottobre 2019

Global Conference on Women and Gender – Gender, Politics, and Everyday Life: Power, Resistance and Representation

1 Ottobre 2019

Global Conference on Women and Gender to be held at Christopher Newport University, March 19-21, 2020 We are pleased to announce that the theme for this year’s conference is: Gender, Politics, and Everyday Life: Power, Resistance and Representation This interdisciplinary conference brings together participants from all academic fields to engage in wide-ranging conversations on gender and politics around the world. While formal politics loom large in 2020, we encourage an expansive understanding of political action and expression, inspired by Carol Hanisch’s…

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Marzo 2020

2020 SILFS Prize for Women in Logic and the Philosophy of Science

31 Marzo 2020

2020 SILFS Prize for Women in Logic and the Philosophy of Science The Italian Society for Logic and the Philosophy of Science (SILFS), in order to promote and support the contribution of underrepresented groups to the fields of logic and the philosophy of science, establishes a prize called “SILFS Prize for Women in Logic and the Philosophy of Science”. Eligibility: all scholars who recognize themselves as women, irrespective of their role, institution, and/or nationality. Applicants are requested to submit an original work (not…

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Agosto 2021

The Posthuman & New Materialism

16 Agosto 2021 - 27 Agosto 2021

Utrecht Summer School Online Course by Prof. Rosi Braidotti August 16-27, 2021 (on select days) Theme and structure The 2021 intensive Summer School course will continue the tradition of neo-materialist, critical feminist posthuman theory that Braidotti is known for. It focusses on the intersections and divergences between two movements of thought that are close, but distinct. The posthuman turn is defined as the convergence, within the context of advanced or cognitive capitalism, of post-humanism on the one hand and post-anthropocentrism…

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